1) Distance never separates any relation & Time never build any relation. If Feelings are True From Heart, Then 'Friends are always ...
Friendship poem,About friendship quotes,
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Sweet things are easy to buy, but sweet people are difficult to find. Life ends when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing. L...
Best quotes for friendship,Best friend friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
1) Lovely quote by a true friend .. "When i die, don't come near my body, because my hands may not come to wipe your tears off that...
Cute sayings for friendship,Best quotes for friendship
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Alone I can SAY but together we can TALK; Alone I can SMILE but together we can LAUGH; Alone I can ENJOY but together we can CELEBRATE; That...
Distance friendship quotes,distance in relationship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Emotional sentence by a friend, The longest distance on the earth isnt from north to south, its when i stand infront of you and you ignore m...
A friendship poem,friendship poem,Best friends quotes,
Author: faheem
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[This poetry is for my those charmng frndz whom I really love & whom I really care. .] To see you hurt To see you cry Makes me weep ...
Quotes,love friendship quotes,about friendship message
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Two friends sitting on a top 0f the hill . 1st: if i say to you jump down, will you do? 2nd: yes, i will 1st: why? 2nd: because i know you ...
New friendship quotes,friendship quotes sayings
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Friendship Quotes 1) I always Respect, Honor and Pray for them who helped me in bad timeS. And I m also thankful to bad times for showing m...
riendship poems,Famous friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
U can't Tap ur back 4 a "Well Done", U can't Hug urself 4 "Comfort & Relaxation", U can't Cry on ur ...
Inspirational friendship quotes,short friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
A Philosopher Said: "Choose Your 'Friend' Very Carefully, Because They Become Your "Introduction."
Best friendship quotes,True friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
"When a person can find ur sorrows behind ur sMiLe,Words behind ur siLence & Love behind ur anger, U can beLieve U have found ur be...
Friend Quotes,Quotes about true friendship
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Short Friendship Quotes (1) One law in friendship: NEVER make your friend feel lonely... So disturb them as much as you can (2) A cute line ...
friendship quotes,friendship poems,strong friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We make many friends :) Some become dearest, Some become special, Some We fall in love with, Some go abroad, Some change their cities, Some ...
Best friendship quotes,Short friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
A cute line for my dearest friend: "The day I met you was my favorite accident n even today i love those injuries.
Long distance friendship quotes,Good friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Stars are seen together, But they are so far apart, True friends may not speak everyday, But Remember, They are always linked Heart to Heart...
The Best Friendship Quotes,Quotes about Friendships
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
"It is not necessary to share everything between true frndz but It is necessary that what u share must be true"...
missing friendship quotes,loss of friendship quotes,ex friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
A line said by a friend 2 his Best Frnd after both got busy in their lives & didn't contact each other. "Miss ur smile a lot. b...
Friendship sayings,True friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Nice Lines By True Frnds"=" I can't pr0mise to solve Ur all problems But." I can promise That U would N0t have to face Th...
friend quotes,short friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
"FRIEND" is not a word,Not a 'relationship', It is a Silent Promise, which says "I Was", "I Am" & ...
Best Friendship Quotes,college friendship quotes
Author: faheem
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
0ne day when all of us will get Old & w0n't be able to see & hear properly & when people will get bore from our company At t...